Press Releases

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Fewer than one in ten think the cost of living crisis is over, despite falling inflation

May 21, 2024

Nearly 90% of Brits feel that the cost of living crisis is ongoing, despite the Chancellor writing in the Times last week that “the economic picture is far better than many would have you believe”.

‘Breathtaking complacency’ to assume that lower inflation signals the end of cost of living crisis, say campaigners

April 17, 2024

Living standards may not improve for years despite today’s inflation figures showing that prices are stabilising, cost of living campaigners have warned. The Stop the Squeeze campaign, a coalition of 56 civil society organisations, trade unions and grassroots groups, has said that unless urgent action is taken to change the way the economy works, stretched budgets will become the “new normal”.

Falling inflation does not equal higher living standards, say campaigners

March 27, 2024

Living standards may not improve for years despite today’s inflation figures showing that prices are stabilising, cost of living campaigners have warned. The Stop the Squeeze campaign, a coalition of over 50 civil society organisations, trade unions and grassroots groups, has said that unless urgent action is taken to change the way the economy works, stretched budgets will become the “new normal”.

Additional energy bill support remains number one priority for public, as Ofgem set to announce lower price cap

March 27, 2024

Additional energy bill support remains number one priority for public, as Ofgem set to announce lower price cap

Millions face financial ‘cliff edge’ as cost of living support ends

March 27, 2024

Millions more people will find themselves unable to afford basic essentials if the government fails to plug the gap left by the premature withdrawal of additional cost of living support, a coalition of civil society organisations has warned.

New research shows cost of living policies are key to winning the next election

March 27, 2024

Ahead of the Spring Budget, Stop the Squeeze, a leading coalition of NGOs, trade unions and civil society organisations, analysed data on voter priorities in Labour’s 150 target seats to win the next election and found that the cost of living is the top issue for voters in 92% of these seats.

Over a third of Brits think their finances will worsen before the election

March 26, 2024

New poll shows National Insurance cut has not dented public’s financial concerns, as major civil society coalition urges bolder government action on cost of living crisis